
Ivori Room by Studio Sage
I absolutely loved my stay in this charming studio, beautifully adorned with a Japanese-style decor that really made the space feel special. The room was wonderfully equipped with everything needed for a comfortable stay—from an abundance of towels to a full set of cooking ware and plenty of storage options for clothes. The air conditioning was impressively quiet, and the bed was just perfect, making it truly feel like a home away from home. Maria was a fantastic host, always ready to help and quick to respond. A heartfelt thank you for such a welcoming and delightful stay!

Compact and complete Studio Room
Three nights staying here. It was nice, compact and superb clean place. Feels like home.

Apartement Mataram City Jogja Tower Sadewa
sangat rekomended

Studio apartment near UGM campus in city center
Igor is a very helpful host. He was prompt to respond to all queries. The place itself is located near UGM and has lots of students around. The building staff is helpful with small shops and laundries located within the complex. The apartment is like the photos. It is clean and well maintained. Wifi works fine. The one flaw in the construction of the apartment is a missing wash basin. There is a kitchen sink which had to be used as a wash basin too.

Mountain View at Uttara Apartment
The apartment and building were amazing-rooftop pool, gym, and the bed was so comfy. Only thing was that the weather did not cooperate- the volcano was nowhere to be seen!! (This was in November in case anyone is booking specifically for the view like I did.)

Apartemen Amarta Yudistira tower, 1-bedroom
apt sangat bersih dan Wangi perlengkapan komplit, owner/Bu Arum sangat helpful

Apartemen Uttara with Mountain View City Center
Excellent appartement in Jogyakarta with gym, pool and bar accessible at the rooftop. We enjoyed our stay.

Studio Apartment Yudhistira Tower by saredijogja A
tempatnya sangat nyaman, semuanya tersedia, ada minimarket dilantai bawah, kolam renang, gym, parkir gratis untuk yg membawa kendaraan, kasurnya enak banget sampai sampai penasaran pakai brand apa 🤣 aesthetic minimalist, owner responsive atas trouble yg ada ✨✨✨

Apartemen uttara
Lokasi apartment sangat strategis di sekitar ada banyak tempat makan bahkan apotek terdekat , petugas apart juga sangat baik sekali. untuk kamarnya sendiri sesuai dengan desk hanya saja sedikit ada debu, tapi seluruhnya lengkap ada microwave yg sangat membantu untuk menghangat makanan. Pemilik Luh juga sangat responsif 👍🏻

Apartment in Palagan
Nyaman, fasilitas lengkap, next time klo ke jogja lg, sperti nya akan stay disini lagi..

Vacation House in Yogyakarta, Ndalem Keputren
Tempatnya nyaman,lingkungannya enak,rumahnya bagus dan isi rumahnya lengkap

AW Home Stay - Yogyakarta
Pengalaman menginap pertama kali di homestay dan alhamdulillah mendapatkan tempat yang nyaman

Monggo Nginep @Kotagede Tropical House 3 rooms
rumahnya sangat baik sirkulasi udaranya. air hangat berfungsi baik. semua sesuai dengan yg ditampilkan di foto. mungkin jika ada kurangnya minor saja dan jika boleh memberi masukan misalnya : di dapur kurang ada gunting dapur. spatula utk memasak sebaiknya diganti dgn yg food grade karena uda mleyot. di kamar kurang tempat utk naruh barang2 kecil spt ambalan dideket2 colokan listrik, ambalan disebelah kasur terlalu kecil. untuk di area jemuran bisa dikasih hanger. karena jemuran terlalu kecil utk ukuran rumah yg besar dan utk keluarga. disamping semua issue kecil itu lokasi rumah baik. disamping kiri jual nasi kuning sebelah kanan jual sayur mayur. sangat membantu kami saat ingin makan. kami sangat menikmati menginap disana dan feel homey di jogja. definitely will come back.

Paztie Homestay Bangunjiwo (Syariah-Self Service)
Rumahnya bersih, amenities lengkap, carpot juga lebar. Impressed juga karena banyak buku, termasuk buku anak, yey! Semua oke sih. Kalau cari suasana sunyi juga oke, krn tempatnya masuk lumayan jauh juga dari jalan utama.. tp kalau cari suasana ramai, atau dekat keramaian kurang cocok.

Felish Villa~15beds-CentreJogjaMalioboro
My friends and I had a great stay here! Eunice was very communicative and responded to all of our questions promptly. The house was clean, spacious, and perfect for our needs! The location was excellent!

*Monstera Homestay - Cozy Jogja Airbnb + Netflix*
Pelayanannya sangat baik, tempatnya bersih, di depan jalan raya banyak makanan, kalau mau pesan makanan online mudah untuk titik lokasinya, bisa masuk mobil (jalan cukup 1 mobil, kalau papasan bisa mengalah sebentar), kebersihan sangat bersih dan tenang

Singgamira Homestay
menginap di Singgamira homey, tenang, bersih, dan nyaman. pemilik homestay sangat ramah & responsif. kami sekeluarga puas menginap disini.

Omah Eyang - Sleman Area free 40mbps WIFI
Ibu Roswitha ramah dan responsive. Rumahnya nyaman seperti rumah sendiri, lengkap perabotnya dan bersih. Sangat rekomendasi untuk balik nginep kesini kalau liburan ke jogja lagi. Terima kasih banyak ya Ibu keren rumahnya.
¥ 1,480(税および手数料抜き)
Universitas Islam Indonesia、Warung Kopi Klotok、Blue Lagoon Jogja
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