




LET'S GET OUT OF THE TOURIST AREA where it is overpriced and crowded with people! This tour focuses on Ueno, which is not as crowded as Shibuya, Shinjuku and is less touristy. It is also famous with Japanese foodies for a good quality at reasonable prices. I'm going to take you to popular bars and restaurants for ONLY LOCALS (NO TOURISTS!!) where the staff speaks only Japanese. I will order signature dishes, and we will discuss the food and drink (and you can pepper me with questions). We will visit 4 restaurants/taverns in total, where you will sample sashimi, grilled fish and skewered meat, etc. You will also have the opportunity to try UNIQUE Japanese alcoholic drinks (5 or more different type of drinks) and you'll be able to experience what Japanese taverns are like. After visiting these three taverns, we will end the tour at a great Ramen shop that is popular with locals. At the end of the tour, I will explain which train station you need to go, depending on where you go. You are going to have a full-size meal on the day in several different restaurants included ramen, so again pls come hungry!
世界最大の魚市場である新しい豊洲から始めましょう。それから、築地オールドマーケットと呼ばれる外側のエリアと、一般的な観光客が立ち入りできない背景エリアを含む、魚の販売エリアがある新しい建物である築地魚がしに行きます。卸売市場の本格的でダイナミックな雰囲気を体験しながら、魚を買いに行きます。築地場外市場 ショッピングタイムも楽しんだ後、さまざまな魚介類を仕入れて浅草に向かいます。私達の店に行く前に、人気の仏教寺院・浅草寺を訪れます。懐石料理のランチ、伝統的な日本料理、その日の特別なお刺身、新鮮な魚介類の海鮮ちらしなどをお楽しみください。食事の後、サプライズのおもてなしをします。市場は活発で毎日変化していることに注意してください。時間通りに到着し、時間の経過とともにエクスペリエンスが実行される可能性があることに注意してください。 その他の留意事項 快適な服装と靴を着用してください。新しい市場は非常に大きいため、工場を見ているように見えます。その後、築地旧市場に行き、2つの市場の比較を楽しみます。
Explore the vibrant nightlife of Shinjuku with @japan_local_experiences. Join us for a memorable journey through the best Izakaya—Japanese restaurants and bars—as well as standing bars and chicken skewer bars frequented by locals. Savor delicious Japanese dishes accompanied by beer, sake, and other spirits. Next, we'll guide you through the bustling red-light district of Kabuki-cho, one of the area's largest and most lively spots. Experience the true essence of Japanese nightlife! The tour concludes in a bar district boasting over 200 establishments, each reflecting unique time-period subcultures through their thematic decor. We'll visit one or two bars, but feel free to continue exploring on your own afterward. Don’t miss this chance to meet a diverse array of exciting people and enjoy Shinjuku's nightlife. Here are a few things to note: 〈Note〉 - Be prepared for a good amount of walking; comfortable shoes are recommended. - The legal drinking age in Japan is 20 years old. - Please inform us of any dietary restrictions in advance.
We'll hop to hidden gems of Izakaya in Shinjuku and ALL drinks & many foods are included! Let's enjoy Japanese LOCAL NIGHT OUT in deepest places w/ us XD -About us- Koki, Suemi, Aki, Yuichi 4 of us are aged 26-29 who all love Japan, have a strongest passion for guest enjoy REAL Japan & meeting new friend! To know who we’re, just pls check out our reviews from our beautiful friends first!XD If U could feel LOCAL Japan w/ us, it’s our greatest pleasure. -Our policy- There're uncountable Izakaya in Shinjuku but mostly for tourist places. Find great Izakaya is herd for even Japanese now already so how tourist can jump in the REAL Shinjuku night? We really wanna show U what's REAL Japanese Izakaya culture & who we're local Japanese! Our places are absolutely different level because best Izakaya have to be combines beautiful atmosphere, history & great taste for us. We’re sure about we can change Ur mind about what’s Japan! Eg Whale & Horse & Chicken Sashimi, Sake w/ puffer fish fin w/ fire, Fresh Wasabi Sushi, sparkling Sake, Snake Sake.and more! We'll visit 2 local tavern that even Japanese never find! If U still have energy after tour is over.. Let's have fun together as a friend!lol More explore Izakaya, Karaoke, Bar, whatever U want! All of us & Welcoming locals are really looking forward to seeing U guys and have a great time together XD Cheers & see U soon our friends!
Ongoing Promos -Bookings for July 2024 are currently 10% off! -Day time shooting is currently available upon request! I will show you guys the visuals of Shibuya, the views you can get of the Crossing from above. Off the beaten paths spots and major tourist spots you shouldn't miss. After that we will move to Shinjuku via the JR Yamanote Line (12 minute train ride) and show you the gritty side of Tokyo, showing you the tiniest of alleys and the main night-life spot. The tour/photoshoot is going to be around 2-3 hours. I will be providing you with 25-40 high resolution photos, post processed and ready to share to your friends and family. Disclaimer: The experience is not a private session unless you book for one!


Experience what it feels like to be a local! This 3-hour experience focuses on standing izakayas in Kyobashi, a neighborhood filled with small, local favorite restaurants and izakaya. Eat and drink like a local in these hidden gems while interacting with friendly Osaka locals! With me as your local host, you will be encouraged to try old-school izakaya foods and interact with locals in a way that you otherwise wouldn't. Unlike the other 'regular' food tours, you will be the one to choose which dish you'd try and order them by yourself in Japanese! We will go to 2-3 standing izakayas, and they have no English signs or menus. By the end of the tour, you'll be able to order your own next round of food and drinks! Come with me to eat and drink like locals, with locals. **PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE BOOKING** FOOD/DRINKS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEE (For drinks and food, it’s usually in the range of 1000 to 2500 yen pp/place.) Please know that the experience will be taken place in STANDING izakayas and they are SMOKING-FRIENDLY. This experience is NOT for those who have many food restrictions or are very specific about the dishes they want.
はじめに着物もしくは道着、袴に着替えていただいた後、武士の嗜みであった抹茶を通じて。次に日本刀を分解しながら、鑑賞方法などを学びます。その後、模造刀で刀の扱いを学び、安全な指導のもと、お一方につき一回、真剣による試し斬りの体験をしていただきます。 試し斬りの前には瞑想の一種である立禅を行い、内面を見つめ心を落ち着かせていただきます。 日本刀を通じて己の内面、身体を知るきっかけになればと思い、この体験を開催いたしております。 その他の留意事項 本物の刀を扱う体験になりますので、会場では主催者の指導に従っていただきます。当日は飲酒厳禁でお願いします。 この体験は団体様や企業様のチームビルディングや研修にも最適です。 ご参加いただいた方々から、日本刀や侍の文化を通じて内面を整えることができた、楽しくチームワークを強化することができたとご好評いただいております。 最大15名様までご参加いただく事が可能になります。その他内容等、お問合せお待ちしております。自然豊かな神奈川県藤野にも体験会場がございます。自然の中での体験をご希望される場合もぜひお問い合わせください。
Kyoto Samurai Experience
Kyoto Samurai Experience は、古都京都にて、本物の刀をつかった武士道体験ができるアクティビティです。 昔の日本の剣・禅に対する考え方や、武士道・サムライを学ぶだけでなく、現代に於ける日々の私生活や行動に活かせる発見や学びが少しでも多く感じて貰えるよう、 五感を使い、観て触れて感じて頂ける体験になっています。 アクティビティ内容 ー型ー 色々な歴史を聞き学ぶ事も大切なことですが、日本刀を実際にどう使うのか?切るというのはどういうことなのか?という疑問は体験して頂かないと分からないことです。 まず最初のステップとして、木刀で型の練習をしていただき、斬り方を学んでいただきます。 ー試し切りー 次に実際の日本刀を手に取り、ゴザを斬って頂きます。真剣を使ってものを斬るという体験は、なかなか触れることの無い貴重な体験ですので、さらに深い理解を得て頂くことができます。 ー禅ー 世界でも広まっている「禅」ではありますが、「剣禅一如」というように日本刀と禅は切っても切れない関係であります。 その実は、剣で肉体を鍛え、禅で精神を鍛え、健全な身体に健全な心が宿るという相互関係から来ております。 また現代に於きましては、一つのメンタルコントロールやヒーリングとしての役割にもなり、 私生活に於きましても活用して頂くきっかけになればと思います。 その他の留意事項 動きやすい服と靴でご参加ください。
Learn the art of Kintsugi—repairing ceramics using lacquer dusted with precious metals. While it usually takes more than a month to finish a Kintsugi piece, I've developed this lesson so you can participate in this craft in one afternoon. With my guidance, you'll apply lacquer and 24-karat gold powder using the traditional techniques and methods. You'll leave with your own Kintsugi piece as a souvenir of the experience. Other things to note At the end of the session you'll be taking home your own Kintsugi ceramic cup, decorated with 24-karat gold. This is worth about 100 usd or 10,000 JPY.
" Book Binding Workshop" 1. select book cover ( you can choose from our collection of old kimono textile / old cloth textile / varieties of fabrics ) 2. stitch the interior pages of the book by hand 3. cut the edge of the book to size 4. measure the book cover & other materials 5. set and arrange all paper and make book cover 6. assemble the interior of the book and book cover 7. press by hot iron with candle 8. use pressing tools to press book 9. glue on the cover of the book -finish- Other things to note: - If you are book lovers, we are happy to offer another class FOR BOOK LOVERS, class including FULL experience like Embossing ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you'd try Japanese Original book style , we reommend STAMPBOOK class. ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you are the family, we are very welcome. Under 5years old children might be difficult to have standard corse. In that case, KIMONO SKETCHBOOK class would be better ( please check another workshop of me, yoko !


この体験を通じて「サムライ」について深く学ぶことができます。 剣道や刀について学ぼう。 適切なトレーニング用品を着用し、武家のような本物の刀を手に入れましょう。 剣を正しく扱い、物を切り取るという経験は、残りの人生で忘れられない経験になります。 こちらの体験には次のものが含まれ ます。1. 剣道の基本を学ぼう 2.道具を使って剣道テクニックを実践する 3. 1分間のケンドバトル 4.剣の使い方を学ぼう 5.本物の刀で巻かれた畳の切り取り 6.ケンゴの刀術を鑑賞しましょう。 クライアントの先生のKengoさんは、熟練したKendoプレーヤーで、3歳でKendoを始め、日本トーナメントで3位を獲得しました。 私はケンドのスキルと知識に非常に自信を持っています。 この体験を通じて武士の文化を学ぶことができます。 この体験の主なイベントは、日本の剣を使った畳のカットです。 Kengoさんが慎重なガイダンスを提供しますのでご安心ください。 動画や写真撮影も喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。 ご不明な際にはお気軽にはご連絡頂ければと思いますと思います。 16歳未満の子供はこの体験で本物の剣を使用することはできません。
【INFORMATION】 ・この体験は、外国人向けにアレンジされたエンターテイメントではなく、あなたは私たちが実際に行っているの稽古・エクセサイズを体験することができます。 ・参加人数は5名まで、6名以上ご希望の場合はお申し出ください。 10名様まで可能です。 このレッスンでは居合・剣道(撃剣)・抜刀の3種類の分野を一度に体験できます。 この3つを合わせて剣術といいます。 居合は刀の扱い方、剣道(撃剣)は相手との間合い、抜刀は刃筋(斬り方)を学びます。 はじめは資料を使って日本刀の歴史や作り方の基本を学び、実際に刀を分解して理解を深めます。 講義の後は居合いのレッスンです。 刀の礼儀作法、日本刀の基本的な扱い方や素振りを学びます。 次に木刀を使って「反り」や「鎬(しのぎ)」の使い方を学びます。 その後撃剣竹刀を使って模擬試合をして相手との間合いや攻撃・防御のレッスンをします。 最後に試し斬りです。 1人2本のワラを用意してあります。1本目は自分のイメージで斬って下さい。 もし上手く斬れなかった場合は、2本目の斬る前にアドバイスをします。 刃筋が悪いと斬れないか、斬れたとしても手に衝撃があります。 正しい刃筋で斬ることができれば何の抵抗もなく斬れます。 上記の基本的な3分野を体験されたら戸山流備前会の印可状をお渡しします。 日本の思い出としてお持ち帰り下さい。
You can join this tour from Kyoto, Osaka or Nara. The location is at countryside, so please check the logistics in advance. Our experience includes: • Organic farm tour • Tea picking → tea tempura • Educational factory visit • Tea flight (3 different cultivars of Sencha & Matcha) with sweets • Lunch at d:matcha cafe The tour begins after meeting in my café, “d:matcha Kyoto” then we start the walking uphill through the town’s winding streets surrounded by houses built in Japanese traditional style. The first spot to visit is the scenic Yubune tea field. We continue walking surrounded by idyllic terraced fields and stunning panoramic views of endless greenery of rice and tea plantations. As we get close to the top of Hakusan Shrine, the scenery changes, we will walk through the cedar woods, experience both the fresh air high up on the mountain and the serenity of the forest. Our destination will be at d:matcha's organic tea farm and join our tea picking activity. Finally, we will head back to our meeting point, and you will try green tea tempura made with the tea leaves you picked, after that you will have the chance to enjoy a tea tasting session and you will learn to whisk your own matcha. Tea related Lunch will be served. (We can offer vegan and gluten free food) More info is in "dmatcha" website. I recommend long pants and closed shoes especially when it rains.
Let's dress up in a genuine KIMONO feeling Japan's traditional dignity. You can choose from plentiful color variations and sizies of Kimono, even big size (Women 150-180cm; Men 160-190cm). Summer time, I will prepare Kyoto brand yukata.But if you want to wear real kimono,you can try it inside the room.(outside is really hot) After dressing up, we will go to nearby Shibamata Taisyakuten Temple(known as the location of Japanese movie films.)It is a simple, local,quiet temple with wonderful garden and Buddhist sculptures carved throughout. Here on weekdays it is really calm and we can enjoy amazing art to our hearts content and take a lot of pictures of you wearing a kimono with the back of the temple garden. The Shibamata approach road is lined with shops selling delicious foods and souvenirs and people offers friendly and warm voices to you. And let's have a Tea Break dressing up in a Kimono in my house. You can enjoy green tea with Japanese sweets. From now on, I will give special consideration to safety, and I will try to learn and enjoy Japanese life by using my traditional Japanese house. Knowing the culture of Japanese life is very important in aiming for a world that protects others. This summer I got a lot of kimono from my husband's friend. I would love to give it to my guests. Please come if you want. My blog site. https://rentalkimono-koti.jimdofree.com Other things to note Please give me your gender, height, weight, and age (if you don't mind) for preparation of Kimono after the reservation. Please put make up in advance. Please bring your camera to take photos.
私は大阪で生まれ育ち、昔から難波周辺に頻繁に訪れています。難波の夜景をバックにお客様の写真を撮影させていただきます。昼間とは異なり、多くのネオンサイン、看板、街灯、車のヘッドライトがあるため、街はとても美しく、写真を撮るのに最適です。携帯電話では撮れないようなフォトジェニックな写真をツアー後送らせていただきます。 朝の写真ツアーもあります!! https://www.airbnb.jp/experiences/29708?location=Osaka%2C%20Osaka%20Prefecture&source=p2&currentTab=experience_tab&searchId=40857f73-e7a6-489d-a047-f0426f062739&federatedSearchId=5e8c1f25-3ec3-45c6-891e-323b81142db2&sectionId=287f7e96- ae33-45c1-897a-338091254521


LET'S GET OUT OF THE TOURIST AREA where it is overpriced and crowded with people! This tour focuses on Ueno, which is not as crowded as Shibuya, Shinjuku and is less touristy. It is also famous with Japanese foodies for a good quality at reasonable prices. I'm going to take you to popular bars and restaurants for ONLY LOCALS (NO TOURISTS!!) where the staff speaks only Japanese. I will order signature dishes, and we will discuss the food and drink (and you can pepper me with questions). We will visit 4 restaurants/taverns in total, where you will sample sashimi, grilled fish and skewered meat, etc. You will also have the opportunity to try UNIQUE Japanese alcoholic drinks (5 or more different type of drinks) and you'll be able to experience what Japanese taverns are like. After visiting these three taverns, we will end the tour at a great Ramen shop that is popular with locals. At the end of the tour, I will explain which train station you need to go, depending on where you go. You are going to have a full-size meal on the day in several different restaurants included ramen, so again pls come hungry!
世界最大の魚市場である新しい豊洲から始めましょう。それから、築地オールドマーケットと呼ばれる外側のエリアと、一般的な観光客が立ち入りできない背景エリアを含む、魚の販売エリアがある新しい建物である築地魚がしに行きます。卸売市場の本格的でダイナミックな雰囲気を体験しながら、魚を買いに行きます。築地場外市場 ショッピングタイムも楽しんだ後、さまざまな魚介類を仕入れて浅草に向かいます。私達の店に行く前に、人気の仏教寺院・浅草寺を訪れます。懐石料理のランチ、伝統的な日本料理、その日の特別なお刺身、新鮮な魚介類の海鮮ちらしなどをお楽しみください。食事の後、サプライズのおもてなしをします。市場は活発で毎日変化していることに注意してください。時間通りに到着し、時間の経過とともにエクスペリエンスが実行される可能性があることに注意してください。 その他の留意事項 快適な服装と靴を着用してください。新しい市場は非常に大きいため、工場を見ているように見えます。その後、築地旧市場に行き、2つの市場の比較を楽しみます。
Kintsugi is a sustainable repairing method for ceramics, woods and glasses, which allows you to reuse the broken piece after the repair as all the materials I use are natural and safe for body. Once it is repaired, it lasts decades. Usually it takes at least 1 month to repair a piece, due to the drying process of natural materials that we use for this repair, but in this experience you will see whole the procedure of Kintsugi in 2 hours step by step by practicing with pieces belong to the studio. You will learn: - What Kintsugi is, its history - Which materials are used - Preparation and application of Glue - Preparation and application of Paste - Sanding - Waterproof coverage - Decoration with gold: You will practice the gold decoration part on a little souvenir and take it home **Please note that you won't be able to bring nor repair your own piece. **I accept up to 4 people in a session as the studio is tiny. This demonstration will help you to deepen the knowledge of not only Japanese repairing method but also our idea of finding beauty in broken, repair and reuse pieces. This is such a sustainable way to live. (this is my personal opinion: Kintsugi really helps you to find a peaceful place inside you during the work)
We will explore the greater part of Shinjuku, the busiest area in Tokyo to show you popular spots as well as hidden gems. We'll have a couple of bites during the city walk. We'll then head to two izakaya restaurants that are popular among the locals. Places we visit range from modern to traditional, and if you are looking to try just ramen and sushi, this might not be the right one for you. Throughout the evening, we’ll taste different Japanese foods and drinks, learn about our pub food culture and history, and spend time with other foodies. Also, we offer an optional sake tasting session where we will try 5+ different craft & seasonal sake at our own sake bar in Shinjuku before the tour at 3:30pm (optional & price not included). *We may have extra spots available even if you don't see availability. Please send a message to ask! Other things to note We will walk a lot! Wear comfortable shoes and come hungry. Let me know if you have food restrictions beforehand. Also, the maximum number of guests is 10, including people from other platforms.
**for cherry blossom sessions, feel free to send me a message!** Visiting Tokyo? Make sure to have the best, most VIBRANT photos while you're touring and exploring the city! -This is a private session. Exclusive just for you! -For a more customized session, feel free to send me a message to discuss -Daytime sessions available. Feel free to send me a message *You will be receiving 20 high-resolution, fully edited photos. *You will receive ALL unedited photos too, with over a 100 total photos, for you to use freely! *daytime shoot is available upon request For a summary of this experience: If you want to have some great photos of yourself, with your family, partner, and/or friends, as well as explore the city efficiently, learn more about different places, as well as being guided by a local - all in one smooth, quick, and easy experience, this is what you’re looking for! We will begin from either Shinjuku or Shibuya and explore both areas capturing the vibrant colors of the city. We will be going to some of the most popular places as well as hidden gems you normally won't be able to visit on your own! You’ll be learning some history and other fun facts about every place that we’ll visit too! Any questions? Send me a message!
E-Bike Tour of Mount Fuji's Countryside and Lake
This is a small-group e-bike tour in the highlands at the foot of Mt. Fuji, designed to avoid crowds and take you to places off the beaten path. Experience nature at the foot of the mountain and get a glimpse into the local lifestyle. The tour starts from Mt.Fuji Station, Fujikyuko Line and heads to Oshino Village, passing by "Oshino Hakkai," a pond fed by underground water from Mt. Fuji, houses with thatched roofs, and spacious countryside with a panoramic view of Mt. Fuji. Afterward, we'll head to Lake Yamanakako and have lunch at a charming restaurant that serves Japanese home-style cuisine. Weather permitting, you'll enjoy a spectacular view of Lake Yamanaka and Mt. Fuji from Fujimi Panorama-dai. The tour is about 30 km long and requires a certain level of physical fitness, but TREK's high-performance e-bikes will assist you well. Your guide will adjust the e-bike speed to accommodate your needs. *Note ・If there is a definite forecast for rain or snow on the day of the tour, we will contact you to cancel before the event. ・ We can accommodate allergies, vegetarian preferences, or specific food preferences for the lunch meal if we are informed in advance. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. ・If you have small or large luggage such, we can store it in our van during the tour.
Explore the vibrant nightlife of Shinjuku with @japan_local_experiences. Join us for a memorable journey through the best Izakaya—Japanese restaurants and bars—as well as standing bars and chicken skewer bars frequented by locals. Savor delicious Japanese dishes accompanied by beer, sake, and other spirits. Next, we'll guide you through the bustling red-light district of Kabuki-cho, one of the area's largest and most lively spots. Experience the true essence of Japanese nightlife! The tour concludes in a bar district boasting over 200 establishments, each reflecting unique time-period subcultures through their thematic decor. We'll visit one or two bars, but feel free to continue exploring on your own afterward. Don’t miss this chance to meet a diverse array of exciting people and enjoy Shinjuku's nightlife. Here are a few things to note: 〈Note〉 - Be prepared for a good amount of walking; comfortable shoes are recommended. - The legal drinking age in Japan is 20 years old. - Please inform us of any dietary restrictions in advance.
We'll hop to hidden gems of Izakaya in Shinjuku and ALL drinks & many foods are included! Let's enjoy Japanese LOCAL NIGHT OUT in deepest places w/ us XD -About us- Koki, Suemi, Aki, Yuichi 4 of us are aged 26-29 who all love Japan, have a strongest passion for guest enjoy REAL Japan & meeting new friend! To know who we’re, just pls check out our reviews from our beautiful friends first!XD If U could feel LOCAL Japan w/ us, it’s our greatest pleasure. -Our policy- There're uncountable Izakaya in Shinjuku but mostly for tourist places. Find great Izakaya is herd for even Japanese now already so how tourist can jump in the REAL Shinjuku night? We really wanna show U what's REAL Japanese Izakaya culture & who we're local Japanese! Our places are absolutely different level because best Izakaya have to be combines beautiful atmosphere, history & great taste for us. We’re sure about we can change Ur mind about what’s Japan! Eg Whale & Horse & Chicken Sashimi, Sake w/ puffer fish fin w/ fire, Fresh Wasabi Sushi, sparkling Sake, Snake Sake.and more! We'll visit 2 local tavern that even Japanese never find! If U still have energy after tour is over.. Let's have fun together as a friend!lol More explore Izakaya, Karaoke, Bar, whatever U want! All of us & Welcoming locals are really looking forward to seeing U guys and have a great time together XD Cheers & see U soon our friends!
Plongez dans l'univers de la Car culture underground à Tokyo
Laissez-vous embarquer dans le fun et la bonne humeur pour une virée nocturne au coeur de la car culture Japonaise et explorez Tokyo. Vivez une expérience unique, loin des circuits touristiques classique! Traversez le Rainbow Bridge et sa vue à couper le souffle, arpentez les 15km de virages de la légendaire C1, le sinueux périphérique Tokyoïte et rencontrez les passionnés de voiture et de vitesse qui sillonnent sans relâche les routes de la capitale Japonaise. Profitez d'une vue à 360 degrés à couper le souffle sur Tokyo et sa baie depuis un parking fréquenté par les passionnés d'automobile situé au milieu de la mer! Vous cherchez à rejoindre le fameux Daikoku PA? Vous pouvez vous détendre car je suis votre homme! Embarquez avec mois pour un tour des meilleurs spots de la ville Sur place, la crème des voitures Japonaises et européennes! Skyline GTR R34, Supra MK4, Lamborghini Aventador SVJ et plus encore Fast and furious, la culture du drift et les voitures sportives japonaises en vrai! A partir du 21 mai,les tours du mardi sont des tours axé sport, contactez moi pour connaître les véhicules disponibles! Disclaimer: Je ne propose ni pick up a l'hotel ni drop off. Ma prestation est une prestation de guide touristique et non chauffeur. Je récupère les clients à un point fixe et je vous emmène sur les différents spots si vous ne pouvez pas vous y rendre par vous même.
Ongoing Promos -Bookings for July 2024 are currently 10% off! -Day time shooting is currently available upon request! I will show you guys the visuals of Shibuya, the views you can get of the Crossing from above. Off the beaten paths spots and major tourist spots you shouldn't miss. After that we will move to Shinjuku via the JR Yamanote Line (12 minute train ride) and show you the gritty side of Tokyo, showing you the tiniest of alleys and the main night-life spot. The tour/photoshoot is going to be around 2-3 hours. I will be providing you with 25-40 high resolution photos, post processed and ready to share to your friends and family. Disclaimer: The experience is not a private session unless you book for one!
You will make your own omakase sushi with really good quality of the fish. (I highly recommend this experience to learn more about sushi before going to a fancy sushi restaurant) This tour consists of two part. First, we will walk around Tsukiji fish market where I will explain about fish and Japanese dishes. Second part is, you will experience sushi making, you can make your own sushi! I make some Omakase sushi for you as well. *The duration of this tour is 3-3.5hours.
Private Photographer in Tokyo
=================================== First you can check my Airbnb Portfolio here: 85mmtokyo.myportfolio .com/ =================================== YOUR PRIVATE PHOTOGRAPHER IN TOKYO HELLO Everybody! If you do not know how to pose, do not worry! In this photo shoot you will feel like a Hollywood stars or a famous fashion models. In your Tokyo trip, I will capture your precious moments in a stylish and artistic way. I will take you famous locations and hidden spots for an awesome photo shoot. After the photo shoot you will have amazing photos like you are in billboards or fashion magazines Join me for a great bespoke photo session and Lets explore Tokyo together! FOR PHOTOS >You will get at least *70 High Quality, Color Edited, High Resolution Photos in JPEG format. >I will share your photos via Gooogle Drive Link (*The link is available for 2 week*) >You will have the edited photos in a 4-5days. (If you are in rush, let me know:) FOR LOCATION & SHOOTING >For Public Bookings: the location for Day Time Session is Harajuku, for Night Session is Shibuya area. >For Private Bookings If you have any location request just feel free to ask me! I am available for other areas like Asakusa, Ginza, Shinjuku Gyouen Park etc.
Let's explore the food wonderland of Tsukiji Outer Market and enjoy sampling some delicious food. I will give you a brief introduction to the outer market, which is like a labyrinth. There are about 400 shops, so it's difficult to understand what is happening and to find the good ones by yourself. We will also explore the backstreets of the outer market, and I will make recommendations and introduce you to my friends. After this experience, you may continue enjoying Tsukiji Outer market by yourself—shopping, eating, and more. Please be advised that many local spots only accept cash. [REMARKS] We do not hold this experience privately. Tsukiji inner market (Wholesale market) was closed on 6th Oct. 2018. But Tsukiji outer market is not moved. Our tour is exploring Tsukiji outer market so we could continue this tour. Other things to note Great for first timer in Japan. Infants (2 or less) are free. We have no children price. Acceptable delay is by 5 minutes. Unacceptable to join from the middle of the tour if you come late In case of late arrival, the tour cannot be extended No refunds will be given for cancellations or late arrivals on the day of the tour.
My name is Guillermo Alarcón, i am an award-winning photographer / Filmmaker and Game Designer. I am currently TOP #1 ranked photographer on Airbnb in the World, with over 5000+ happy customers, I'm here to make your Japan dreams come true. 
2023 Schedule offers: **Sakura Season** March to April 2024 Kanto region starting: 3/15 Tokyo Sakura Daytime Schedule: 11:30AM - 1:30PM / 3:00PM - 5:30PM I photographed over 90 sessions last year, make sure you reserve ahead of time to ensure my availability. Experience daily morning and afternoon photo sessions: LIMITED ONLY

 1.-Night Time - Neo Cyber Tokyo Photoshoot: I'm a pioneer in the Cyberpunk Style genre, having been photographing it since early 2017. Don't settle for imitations. Let me help you capture Tokyo after dark. 2.-Daytime [ Private Shoots only ] Anywhere in Tokyo or surroundings Areas 3.-Proposals, Engagements, Honeymoon Photos: With every package, you'll receive over 150 photos that showcase my signature cinematic, fantasy, sci-fi style. 
 Don't believe me? Check out my website at futurevizion . jp for a sneak peek at my previous work and rave reviews from hundreds of satisfied customers. My IG @future_vizion Why trust just anyone with your dream photos, just to save a few bucks? Don't Regret it! 90% of my customers never done this! You'll be bragging about these photos for years to come!
Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi
In this 120-minute activity, you will wear the proper training gear and hold real katana swords to train just like the samurai did. The experience of handling a katana correctly and cutting through objects will be something you will never forget. The content of this experience 1. Getting dressed in the training gear 2. Learning how to draw and sheath the katana safely 3. Learning how to swing the katana correctly 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana 5. Watching the master's katana performance Why Choose Us 1. An instructor with 20+ years of training Many facilities have undertrained instructors who can only teach tourists. Your instructor here has over 100 students nationwide and over 20 years of training experience. 2. The venue is a real dojo We are not a tourist spot but a real dojo where more than 20 students train regularly. 3. Everything is interpreted in English perfectly Shogo from the YouTube “Let’s ask Shogo (1.7M subs)”, who is a student of this dojo himself, will interpret everything in English perfectly.
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