



古都日本京都体验抹茶道文化 您可通过预约直接到店参与茶道体验,享受60分钟服务,潜心体验独特的日本文化之旅。在客人和我们的其他客人预约时间允许的情况下,还可以继续享受跟由佳老师喝茶交流。 在暗香庵的茶道体验,先从缓解您旅途中的疲劳开始,一边品尝由佳老师泡的迎客茶,一边畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移动到另一层的抹茶茶室,在观赏老师打制的淡抹茶同时,还可以品尝抹茶及美味的和果子。这时候最好能够仔细观察老师的点茶动作,要问为什么的话,因为之后您将要亲自上阵,体验点茶中关键的环节。不过您不必担心,这时候老师会在您身边辅导和讲解,让您充分体验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过体验了解抹茶道文化渊源直接参与互动,能感受到的事物和那些无法亲身体会的部分。同时再让我们分享那些目所能的及心中感受的 比如“日本人是怎样生活的呢?”,“日本文化是怎么形成的呢?”等。通过抹茶道的体验能够让双方在不同文化的基础上,在交流的过程中做到拉进心灵的距离,暗香庵抹茶道体验的最大特点。 最后静下心来专注品尝自己打制的那份包含着日本深厚底蕴文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的体验。 其他注意事项 除新年期间(12月31日-1月3日)外,体验活动全年对外开放,请按下列时间段预约体验。因每日体验活动满员的场合,将无法正常参加,所以请提前和我们联系。另,若预定日期或时间段满员的场合,会需要麻烦您变更时间,敬请谅解。
Recently matcha green tea has become very popular all around the world. As you may know, matcha plays a very important role in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. However, learning about Japanese tea ceremony means much more than just learning to make matcha. Let's find the concept and philosophy behind this performing art. At first, you will learn the basic concepts and ideas of tea ceremony. You will also learn how to behave in a tea room and appreciate its decoration. Next, you'll watch a demonstration of "the way of tea". We think you will enjoy the quiet and serene atmosphere. And now let's make your own tea! We will tell you how to drink it, and also serve you a specially selected Japanese cake. Come, step into the world of profound spirituality and set your soul free, and let's have fun together!! Other things to note * Please arrive on time. We cannot allow latecomers to join a session once it has started. * The average number of participants is 6-7 people, but please note the maximum count is 12 people.
Don’t get caught standing in a crowd of tourists trying to get a good photo. We provide a personal hiking experience. This is the ONLY tour at Fushimi Inari which goes off paved paths, onto actual forest trails. We know of hidden bamboo groves and beautiful evergreens around Fushimi Inari Shrine. Local trails lead us to the main shrine with thousands of red torii gates, and we know of secluded trails that lead to old and hidden alters. We will begin at Tofukuji Station and wander into a quiet neighborhood, visiting small shrines on the way to the mountain. Then take a trail to see a wonderful bamboo grove, and connect to the main path filled with the famous vermilion torii gates. We will reach the summit of the mountain, which is covered in the ​shrine alters and then venture back down the mountain on a forested trail, visiting smaller shrines on the way to another bamboo grove. This will lead us to the most famous area of Fushimi Inari, perfect for a memorable photo. We will finish at the main shrine at the base of the mountain, where you can enjoy some local street food before you continue your adventure in the wonderful city of Kyoto. Please understand that this is a hike, not a normal walk, so it will require some effort. We will not recommend joining if you have trouble walking or not in a good condition.
We will share a course-meal ranging from modern to traditional Japanese food across 4-6 food stands and restaurants. I have chosen these vendors to talk about quality food and rich food culture that represent Kyoto. Throughout the evening, we will try many kinds of foods that highlight Kyoto's rich culture. Other things to note: - Please let me know if you have food restrictions or allergies at least a week beforehand. I might not be able to fully accommodate restrictions as it is a group experience. - This experience is run by either myself or another trusted local guide. - I update my tour availability by the 3rd week for next month. Even if you don't see availability, please check back later.
" Book Binding Workshop" 1. select book cover ( you can choose from our collection of old kimono textile / old cloth textile / varieties of fabrics ) 2. stitch the interior pages of the book by hand 3. cut the edge of the book to size 4. measure the book cover & other materials 5. set and arrange all paper and make book cover 6. assemble the interior of the book and book cover 7. press by hot iron with candle 8. use pressing tools to press book 9. glue on the cover of the book -finish- Other things to note: - If you are book lovers, we are happy to offer another class FOR BOOK LOVERS, class including FULL experience like Embossing ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you'd try Japanese Original book style , we reommend STAMPBOOK class. ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you are the family, we are very welcome. Under 5years old children might be difficult to have standard corse. In that case, KIMONO SKETCHBOOK class would be better ( please check another workshop of me, yoko !


Our restaurant has a beautiful little Japanese garden. You can feel Japanese history from that garden. <Making sushi> You can make sushi to use a fresh fish caught in the sea of Japan on that day. There are more than ten kinds fish! So you can enjoy much taste. I will show you how to clean fish and teach you how to make sushi. You can make while watching the little Japanese garden. I will also explain a table manner of Japan. For example how to use chop sticks to eat sushi and so on. After you make, you can eat them. Let’s eat together while talking fun with us. We’ll serve Japanese desserts for you! We’ll explain a good place of Kyoto as I was a sightseeing ambassador of Kyoto, I know the best places. Please ask me at anytime! This sushi experience corresponds to Halal Other things to note Our restaurant is hard to find a bit. So if you can’t find our restaurant,please call us.
大阪市出身の私が行う このはしご酒ツアーは、外国人とお酒を飲みながら自然な英会話を楽しめます! 三つのスペシャルな角打ち(酒屋さんで飲むこと)に足を運び、値段と質にうるさい大阪人が愛するお店を外国人と一緒に楽しみましょう! 伝統的な角打ちからモダンな角打ちまでの三つのお店に出向き、たくさんの地元の人たちに囲まれて美味しすぎる食べ物やお酒は格別! 世界中の外国人のお客様と自然な英会話をお酒と料理でご一献!一般的な英会話よりカジュアルな会話を楽しみましょう。 メニュー: お値段一例 生ビール390円 地酒300〜500円 料理100円〜500円 いくつかの角打ちでは、お店の地酒セレクションのなかからテイスティングを楽しんでいただきます。もちろんそのお酒に合う美味しいおつまみもお忘れなく! もし気に入ったお酒が見つかればボトルをお土産として購入していただくことも可能です! ご一緒に文化の違いなどをお話しして、あなたのライフスタイルを学ばさせてください! その他の留意事項 食べ物と飲み物はツアー料金に含まれていません! 歩きやすい靴が望ましいです。 もし嫌いな食べ物や制限がある場合でもお気軽にお声掛けください!あなたが食べれるものを注文いたします。
Kyoto Insider Sake Experience
3時間の体験では前半に日本有数の酒処伏見の散策 と酒蔵の訪問、後半では伏見の地酒のテイスティングとフードペアリンを体験します。伏見の日本酒の文化を知り、基本的な日本酒の知識も得ていただけるギュッと詰まった体験となっています。 外国人でも楽しめる内容ですので、日本酒を普段飲まれない方でも楽しんで頂けて日本酒が好きになって頂けると思います。 (海外のゲストが参加される回は英語での開催となります) ・酒蔵見学 日本有数の酒処である伏見を散策、少し歩いて酒蔵を訪れます。ここでは代々受け継がれている伝統的な酒造りをご紹介。日本酒のタイプの違いなども解説し、日本酒の知識を深めます。 ・日本酒テイスティング 後半はテイスティングルームにて伏見の地酒を利き酒します。様々なタイプの日本酒を味わい、ご自身の好きな日本酒のタイプを見つけましょう。このタイプはこんな特徴があるなど、今後日本酒を選ぶ際にとっても役立つ利き酒です。 ・フードペアリング 次に利き酒した日本酒をさまざまなおつまみと合わせてみましょう。食べ物と合わせることで味わいがソフトになったり、新しい味が生まれたりと驚きがたくさんです。居酒屋でどのような食べ物にどのタイプのお酒が合うのか知ることでこれからの日本酒ライフが一層楽しくなります。 ※12月28日〜1月4日は、酒蔵休業により、酒蔵見学がウォーキングツアー+特別プログラムに変更となります。 ※コロナ期間中は酒蔵の見学内容が一部制限されます。 その他の留意事項 ・あなたのグループが空室状況に表示されているよりも多くの人がいる場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 ・午後3時のツアーは頻繁に満席になります。 「1.5H Kyoto Insider Sake Experience」もご覧ください。
——Please Read—— This class is welcoming to everyone, however if you don’t understand vegans or vegetarians, or want to learn regular ramen or gyozas, please do not make a reservation. This class is for vegan and vegetarian guests, and I teach about cooking vegan broth, ramen soup and gyoza. Thank you for your understanding. ___________ Let’s make Vegan Ramen and Gyouza with Japanese cooking teacher,Sakiko Schedule Introduction Cooking demonstration and hands on cooking Lunch Time (Itadakimasu, Bon Appetit) Menu ・Ramen-Learn how to make Dan dan Ramen soup from the scratch ・Gyoza We make vegan dashi (broth) and ramen soup using vegan dashi. And make gyoza filling, wrap with gyoza wrapper, and fry. Instructor Sakiko-the former Sushi chef at Disney Land in the U.S 【Notice】 The ramen noodle is premade. I use the dried noodle not include egg and any animal product. The gyoza wrapper is also premade. We don't make gyoza wrapper from starch. I will give you the ramen and gyoza recipes so you can cook this Ramen and Gyoza at your home country!
ご希望の日程が表示されていない場合は、一度ご連絡ください。体験を実施することが可能な場合もございます。 さて、この体験は、京都で着物を着た美しい想い出を、プロカメラマンによって写真に残す体験です。 着物は振袖や袴にアップグレードすることも可能です! まずは、駅の近くで集合してそこから一緒に着物屋さんに向かいます。そこでは100着以上の着物の中から、お好きな着物に帯も自由に組み合わせていただけます。 その後、プロによって着付けしていただいて、ご希望であればヘアセットやメイクも併設の施設で美容師さんにして頂くことが可能です。(別料金となります) お着替えが済みましたら、一緒にタクシーで撮影スポットに向かいます。交通費は別途お支払いください (片道約1500円) 撮影スポットは、円山公園周辺をめぐる素晴らしいロケーションです! 円山公園で季節の風景を、日本らしい風景を取り入れて撮影します。 着物とこれらの場所の組み合わせは、非常に日本的で美しいです。 撮影したあとは現地解散です。お着物は夜の17時30分までご利用可能ですので、そのまま京都市内を観光できますよ♪ また、写真データはインターネットを介して、3~5日ほどでお渡しできます。 ☆振袖や袴、訪問着へのアップグレードも可能です!詳しくはお問い合わせください。 その他の留意事項 おおよそ一人当たり50枚ほどのお写真をお渡しできます。 人数により、撮影時間が変わります。 交通費は片道1500円前後です。


Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Let's enjoy bar hopping tour at Kyoto city center!! We're exploring "Kawaramachi" and "Kiyamachi" areas, where local Kyoto people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Bar hopping tour at Dotonbori & Uranamba area. "Uranamba" is the area many local Osaka people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi
In this 120-minute activity, you will wear the proper training gear and hold real katana swords to train just like the samurai did at a local dojo where 20+ students train regularly. The experience of handling a katana correctly and cutting through objects will be something you will never forget. The content of this experience: 1. Getting dressed in the training gear 2. Learning how to draw, sheath, and swing the katana safely 3. Learning about the culture and history of katana and samurai 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana 5. Watching the master's katana performance Why Choose Us: ▶︎An instructor with 20+ years of training Many facilities have undertrained instructors who can only teach tourists. Your instructor here has over 50 students worldwide and over 20+ years of training experience. ▶︎The venue is a REAL DOJO We are NOT a tourist spot but a real dojo where 20+ students train regularly. ▶︎Everything is interpreted in English perfectly Shogo from the YouTube “Let’s ask Shogo (1.7M subs)”, a student of this dojo himself, will interpret everything in English perfectly. FAQ: 1. You can take pictures and videos during the activity 2. You must be 12 years or older to participate 3. One person can join just to watch for free per participant
Complete Kyoto Tour in One Day, Visit All 12 Popular Sights!
Welcome to Kyoto, Japan! Let’s dive into and discover Kyoto's kaleidoscope of sights and sounds. Explore as many as 12 attractions in the city on this full day tour. We take you to the must-see sights and also show you the hidden gems of each location. Let’s stroll the city on foot and by metro like a local for the day. Transportation and the street in the area are very complicated, even for the Japanese. However, all our guides were born and raised in Japan, have lived for a long time close to the area, and are well-trained expert locals. So, we can take you to so many places, at the best time, within a limited timeframe. We recommend you join our tour on your first day in Kyoto. Because, you can learn not only about sights, but also about Japanese history, culture, society, ways of thinking, values and even about local etiquette, how to take public transportations, our everyday life. But above all, the best part of travelling is good food. This tour will take you to some of the best-known restaurants you should not miss when you are in the area, as well as hidden gems recommended by locals. 【Places to visit】 JR Saga-Arashiyama station at 8:50 Arashiyama, Randen Tram Line, Ryoan-ji Temple, Sushi-go-round (lunch, Ramen, Kara-Age, Beer), Kinkakuji Temple, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kiyomizu-zaka slope, Kiyomizu Temple, Sanneizaka, Yasaka Pagoda, Gion area, Gion shopping street
We meet in Shinsekai area, an old neighborhood of Osaka, walk around the area then head toward the Minami area, Osaka's southern city center, including world-famous "Dotonbori". Osaka is well known as the food capital of Japan, or kitchen of Japan, and you will see why once you get here. There are so many restaurants all over the city, and all kinds! I'll show you not only the variety of foods Osaka can offer but also the history of the area, Japanese culture, tradition and everyday life of local people. I'd recommend you to take my walking tour at your earliest convenience once you arrive Osaka, since I'll talk a lot about what you can do and eat here, as well as restaurant recommendations. This will be an excellent activity for you to familiarize yourself to this amazing city, and also Japan over all. I'll try my best to let you have a good time while you're in my beloved city, Osaka!! I'm looking forward to showing you the best of my Osaka!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FOOD TOUR, meaning no food is included in my tour. But Osaka being as a food capital of Japan, I talk a lot about food in my tour, which might make you hungry :-) Therefore try not to come join my Experience with empty stomach).


古都日本京都体验抹茶道文化 您可通过预约直接到店参与茶道体验,享受60分钟服务,潜心体验独特的日本文化之旅。在客人和我们的其他客人预约时间允许的情况下,还可以继续享受跟由佳老师喝茶交流。 在暗香庵的茶道体验,先从缓解您旅途中的疲劳开始,一边品尝由佳老师泡的迎客茶,一边畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移动到另一层的抹茶茶室,在观赏老师打制的淡抹茶同时,还可以品尝抹茶及美味的和果子。这时候最好能够仔细观察老师的点茶动作,要问为什么的话,因为之后您将要亲自上阵,体验点茶中关键的环节。不过您不必担心,这时候老师会在您身边辅导和讲解,让您充分体验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过体验了解抹茶道文化渊源直接参与互动,能感受到的事物和那些无法亲身体会的部分。同时再让我们分享那些目所能的及心中感受的 比如“日本人是怎样生活的呢?”,“日本文化是怎么形成的呢?”等。通过抹茶道的体验能够让双方在不同文化的基础上,在交流的过程中做到拉进心灵的距离,暗香庵抹茶道体验的最大特点。 最后静下心来专注品尝自己打制的那份包含着日本深厚底蕴文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的体验。 其他注意事项 除新年期间(12月31日-1月3日)外,体验活动全年对外开放,请按下列时间段预约体验。因每日体验活动满员的场合,将无法正常参加,所以请提前和我们联系。另,若预定日期或时间段满员的场合,会需要麻烦您变更时间,敬请谅解。
Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi
In this 120-minute activity, you will wear the proper training gear and hold real katana swords to train just like the samurai did at a local dojo where 20+ students train regularly. The experience of handling a katana correctly and cutting through objects will be something you will never forget. The content of this experience: 1. Getting dressed in the training gear 2. Learning how to draw, sheath, and swing the katana safely 3. Learning about the culture and history of katana and samurai 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana 5. Watching the master's katana performance Why Choose Us: ▶︎An instructor with 20+ years of training Many facilities have undertrained instructors who can only teach tourists. Your instructor here has over 50 students worldwide and over 20+ years of training experience. ▶︎The venue is a REAL DOJO We are NOT a tourist spot but a real dojo where 20+ students train regularly. ▶︎Everything is interpreted in English perfectly Shogo from the YouTube “Let’s ask Shogo (1.7M subs)”, a student of this dojo himself, will interpret everything in English perfectly. FAQ: 1. You can take pictures and videos during the activity 2. You must be 12 years or older to participate 3. One person can join just to watch for free per participant
Recently matcha green tea has become very popular all around the world. As you may know, matcha plays a very important role in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. However, learning about Japanese tea ceremony means much more than just learning to make matcha. Let's find the concept and philosophy behind this performing art. At first, you will learn the basic concepts and ideas of tea ceremony. You will also learn how to behave in a tea room and appreciate its decoration. Next, you'll watch a demonstration of "the way of tea". We think you will enjoy the quiet and serene atmosphere. And now let's make your own tea! We will tell you how to drink it, and also serve you a specially selected Japanese cake. Come, step into the world of profound spirituality and set your soul free, and let's have fun together!! Other things to note * Please arrive on time. We cannot allow latecomers to join a session once it has started. * The average number of participants is 6-7 people, but please note the maximum count is 12 people.
Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Let's enjoy bar hopping tour at Kyoto city center!! We're exploring "Kawaramachi" and "Kiyamachi" areas, where local Kyoto people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Don’t get caught standing in a crowd of tourists trying to get a good photo. We provide a personal hiking experience. This is the ONLY tour at Fushimi Inari which goes off paved paths, onto actual forest trails. We know of hidden bamboo groves and beautiful evergreens around Fushimi Inari Shrine. Local trails lead us to the main shrine with thousands of red torii gates, and we know of secluded trails that lead to old and hidden alters. We will begin at Tofukuji Station and wander into a quiet neighborhood, visiting small shrines on the way to the mountain. Then take a trail to see a wonderful bamboo grove, and connect to the main path filled with the famous vermilion torii gates. We will reach the summit of the mountain, which is covered in the ​shrine alters and then venture back down the mountain on a forested trail, visiting smaller shrines on the way to another bamboo grove. This will lead us to the most famous area of Fushimi Inari, perfect for a memorable photo. We will finish at the main shrine at the base of the mountain, where you can enjoy some local street food before you continue your adventure in the wonderful city of Kyoto. Please understand that this is a hike, not a normal walk, so it will require some effort. We will not recommend joining if you have trouble walking or not in a good condition.
Complete Kyoto Tour in One Day, Visit All 12 Popular Sights!
Welcome to Kyoto, Japan! Let’s dive into and discover Kyoto's kaleidoscope of sights and sounds. Explore as many as 12 attractions in the city on this full day tour. We take you to the must-see sights and also show you the hidden gems of each location. Let’s stroll the city on foot and by metro like a local for the day. Transportation and the street in the area are very complicated, even for the Japanese. However, all our guides were born and raised in Japan, have lived for a long time close to the area, and are well-trained expert locals. So, we can take you to so many places, at the best time, within a limited timeframe. We recommend you join our tour on your first day in Kyoto. Because, you can learn not only about sights, but also about Japanese history, culture, society, ways of thinking, values and even about local etiquette, how to take public transportations, our everyday life. But above all, the best part of travelling is good food. This tour will take you to some of the best-known restaurants you should not miss when you are in the area, as well as hidden gems recommended by locals. 【Places to visit】 JR Saga-Arashiyama station at 8:50 Arashiyama, Randen Tram Line, Ryoan-ji Temple, Sushi-go-round (lunch, Ramen, Kara-Age, Beer), Kinkakuji Temple, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kiyomizu-zaka slope, Kiyomizu Temple, Sanneizaka, Yasaka Pagoda, Gion area, Gion shopping street
We will share a course-meal ranging from modern to traditional Japanese food across 4-6 food stands and restaurants. I have chosen these vendors to talk about quality food and rich food culture that represent Kyoto. Throughout the evening, we will try many kinds of foods that highlight Kyoto's rich culture. Other things to note: - Please let me know if you have food restrictions or allergies at least a week beforehand. I might not be able to fully accommodate restrictions as it is a group experience. - This experience is run by either myself or another trusted local guide. - I update my tour availability by the 3rd week for next month. Even if you don't see availability, please check back later.
" Book Binding Workshop" 1. select book cover ( you can choose from our collection of old kimono textile / old cloth textile / varieties of fabrics ) 2. stitch the interior pages of the book by hand 3. cut the edge of the book to size 4. measure the book cover & other materials 5. set and arrange all paper and make book cover 6. assemble the interior of the book and book cover 7. press by hot iron with candle 8. use pressing tools to press book 9. glue on the cover of the book -finish- Other things to note: - If you are book lovers, we are happy to offer another class FOR BOOK LOVERS, class including FULL experience like Embossing ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you'd try Japanese Original book style , we reommend STAMPBOOK class. ( please check another workshop of tsutomu ! - If you are the family, we are very welcome. Under 5years old children might be difficult to have standard corse. In that case, KIMONO SKETCHBOOK class would be better ( please check another workshop of me, yoko !
It's beautiful and fresh cycling along the river, which no tourists visit. We also go through local Japanese neighborhood districts, which are beautiful, cozy, and quiet. Especially hidden gems in Nara, cycling along the Saho river, which only local people visit :) With fewer tourists, no cars, and no stress, you'll feel relaxed from a busy Osaka/Kyoto stay. In Nara Park, beside the crowded and busy Todaiji-big Buddha (600 yen entrance fee), a few people visit Nigatsudo Hall on the hill. This is because the view from the Nigatsu-do hall is breathtakingly beautiful. But you've got to ride your bicycle up there, so it's a little bit of exercise. While we cycle around Nara Park, we will see many deer. There are 1,200 deer in the park. And I'll take some lovely group photos of you while cycling. I'm an excellent selfie photographer! It's downhill from Nigatsudo Hall to the station, but it's easy to return! If it rains hard, we'll get our raincoats and walk around the park. (We ride buses between the station and the park.) There is a sake brewery in town, and we can try Sake tasting if you want. (500yen Extra charge) Other things to note Please make sure that you can ride bicycles very well. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for cycling. Please bring your cap or hat to prevent health problems caused by heat strokes.
A cycling tour through Kyoto city should be more than just a simple ride-around, we take you deep inside. Our 9 km tour is focused on experiencing, exploring, and discovering Kyoto’s best-kept secrets, all in a short riding distance from our shop. Tranquil and contemplative Zen gardens, magnificent temples and shrines, we have carefully curated a tour that offers uniquely contrasting environments showcasing Kyoto’s distinctive history, culture, design, and craft. We have 3 departure times, 9am, 9:30, and 1pm. You must arrive 15 minutes before your departure. If you are late and miss the tour it's non-refundable. If you plan on arriving right at the departure time you may miss the tour so please plan ahead. The tours are usually 3 hours and 45 minutes. Our tour starts and finishes at our shop in north-western Kyoto city. This is a boutique journey, designed for those who seek a more in-depth understanding of Kyoto’s landscape. It features a visit inside the famous Golden Pavilion, but also takes time to stop and relax at other unique meditative Zen Gardens that are off the beaten path. Other things to note Please arrive 15 minutes before departure. Late/no-shows are non-refundable. Most guests take a taxi to our shop. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes for a fantastic day on the bike. I will cancel and refund tours due to heavy rain, storms, or inclement weather.
Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Bar hopping tour at Dotonbori & Uranamba area. "Uranamba" is the area many local Osaka people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. <What's included> ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖️ Alcoholic Beverages ✖️ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Kyoto Samurai Experience
Kyoto Samurai Experience は、古都京都にて、本物の刀をつかった武士道体験ができるアクティビティです。 昔の日本の剣・禅に対する考え方や、武士道・サムライを学ぶだけでなく、現代に於ける日々の私生活や行動に活かせる発見や学びが少しでも多く感じて貰えるよう、 五感を使い、観て触れて感じて頂ける体験になっています。 アクティビティ内容 ー型ー 色々な歴史を聞き学ぶ事も大切なことですが、日本刀を実際にどう使うのか?切るというのはどういうことなのか?という疑問は体験して頂かないと分からないことです。 まず最初のステップとして、木刀で型の練習をしていただき、斬り方を学んでいただきます。 ー試し切りー 次に実際の日本刀を手に取り、ゴザを斬って頂きます。真剣を使ってものを斬るという体験は、なかなか触れることの無い貴重な体験ですので、さらに深い理解を得て頂くことができます。 ー禅ー 世界でも広まっている「禅」ではありますが、「剣禅一如」というように日本刀と禅は切っても切れない関係であります。 その実は、剣で肉体を鍛え、禅で精神を鍛え、健全な身体に健全な心が宿るという相互関係から来ております。 また現代に於きましては、一つのメンタルコントロールやヒーリングとしての役割にもなり、 私生活に於きましても活用して頂くきっかけになればと思います。 その他の留意事項 動きやすい服と靴でご参加ください。
Experience what it feels like to be a local! This 3-hour experience focuses on standing izakayas in Kyobashi, a neighborhood filled with small, local favorite restaurants and izakaya. Eat and drink like a local in these hidden gems while interacting with friendly Osaka locals! With me as your local host, you will be encouraged to try old-school izakaya foods and interact with locals in a way that you otherwise wouldn't. Unlike the other 'regular' food tours, you will be the one to choose which dish you'd try and order them by yourself in Japanese! We will go to 2-3 standing izakayas, and they have no English signs or menus. By the end of the tour, you'll be able to order your own next round of food and drinks! Come with me to eat and drink like locals, with locals. **PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE BOOKING** FOOD/DRINKS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEE (For drinks and food, it’s usually in the range of 1000 to 2500 yen pp/place.) Please know that the experience will be taken place in STANDING izakayas and they are SMOKING-FRIENDLY. This experience is NOT for those who have many food restrictions or are very specific about the dishes they want.
Our restaurant has a beautiful little Japanese garden. You can feel Japanese history from that garden. <Making sushi> You can make sushi to use a fresh fish caught in the sea of Japan on that day. There are more than ten kinds fish! So you can enjoy much taste. I will show you how to clean fish and teach you how to make sushi. You can make while watching the little Japanese garden. I will also explain a table manner of Japan. For example how to use chop sticks to eat sushi and so on. After you make, you can eat them. Let’s eat together while talking fun with us. We’ll serve Japanese desserts for you! We’ll explain a good place of Kyoto as I was a sightseeing ambassador of Kyoto, I know the best places. Please ask me at anytime! This sushi experience corresponds to Halal Other things to note Our restaurant is hard to find a bit. So if you can’t find our restaurant,please call us.
大阪市出身の私が行う このはしご酒ツアーは、外国人とお酒を飲みながら自然な英会話を楽しめます! 三つのスペシャルな角打ち(酒屋さんで飲むこと)に足を運び、値段と質にうるさい大阪人が愛するお店を外国人と一緒に楽しみましょう! 伝統的な角打ちからモダンな角打ちまでの三つのお店に出向き、たくさんの地元の人たちに囲まれて美味しすぎる食べ物やお酒は格別! 世界中の外国人のお客様と自然な英会話をお酒と料理でご一献!一般的な英会話よりカジュアルな会話を楽しみましょう。 メニュー: お値段一例 生ビール390円 地酒300〜500円 料理100円〜500円 いくつかの角打ちでは、お店の地酒セレクションのなかからテイスティングを楽しんでいただきます。もちろんそのお酒に合う美味しいおつまみもお忘れなく! もし気に入ったお酒が見つかればボトルをお土産として購入していただくことも可能です! ご一緒に文化の違いなどをお話しして、あなたのライフスタイルを学ばさせてください! その他の留意事項 食べ物と飲み物はツアー料金に含まれていません! 歩きやすい靴が望ましいです。 もし嫌いな食べ物や制限がある場合でもお気軽にお声掛けください!あなたが食べれるものを注文いたします。
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